“Since the beginning of the world, God has always granted a people, divided though they may be into provinces, districts, villages and families, the privilege of living together as one nation, in freedom. However, because of human jealousy, and man’s domineering spirit and because of the greed that impels one to rob another of a part or the whole of his homeland, it has become an essential duty of man to keep ready the means of defending his freedom.”
“The spectre of racial discrimination which has for so long cast its dark and
evil shadow over much of this globe is slowly disappearing. Men are coming
increasingly to be judged by their talents and abilities rather than by the
less meaningful and far more superficial standards of race and religion.
But there yet remain those who, in their bigotry and ignorance, resist this
flooding tide, and it is against these that our efforts must be directed.”

“Peace, universally heralded by the Angels at the Birth of Our Saviour, has become even more necessary to mankind than ever before. The alternatives confronting the Governments of today are no longer peace or war, but peace or the annihilation and complete doom of mankind. Therefore, it has now become the noble responsibility of Christians and peoples of other faith and their leaders throughout the world to pray and to work hard for the preservation of world peace.”
“However wise or however mighty a person may be, he is like a ship without a rudder if he is without God. A rudderless ship is at the mercy of the waves and the wind, drifts wherever they take it and if there arises a whirlwind it is smashed against the rocks and become as if it has never existed. It is our firm belief that a soul without Christ is bound to meet with no better fate.”
“Now We shall pass on to the new history that is before Us. Five years ago on this day the fascist forces entered Our capital city. Then Mussolini announced to the world that he had established a Roman Empire in Our country, Ethiopia. He believed that the land he declared conquered would forever be in his hands. The gallantry of the Ethiopia people is recorded in history. Fifty-two nations condemned Mussolini for his actions. But he boasted of his violent deeds and took no heed of their condemnation. The past five years have been years of darkness for you, my people. But you never lost hope, and in the Ethiopian hills you gradually grew [strong]. The enemy never ventured to come near the mountains on which you were, because, enduring every hardship and affliction, you, the warriors of Ethiopia, safeguarded your freedom during the past five years. But in spite of the fact that he could not conquer the country, he spent many thousands of millions of lire, …he wanted to plant a fascist colony in Our sacred land of Ethiopia and to impose on her the rule of oppression which he had planned.
He tried to exterminate the Ethiopian race Trusting in, and bragging of , the invincibility of this military force, the fascist government proceeded with implanting dictatorial rule in Our country.
But something happened which the fascist government did not take into account–the fighting morale, essential in modern war, demonstrated by you.
“You were able to destroy the enemy who were superior to you in numbers and equipment, because you are a people of bravery and mercy and because you cooperated and knew the strategy of war.
“Nowadays, science has made possible complex inventions which are put at the service of man. Yet, however precise these instruments, including computers, may be in their service, they obviously lack those perfecting human characteristics of sympathy, goodness, generosity and selflessness – all of which God in His ultimate wisdom granted only to human beings. Although man has found assistance for himself in these machines, his superiority lies in the fact that he is their inventor and he himself is the instrument of God.”
“Leaders are people who raise the standards by which they judge themselves and by which they are willing to be judged.”
“From truth alone is born liberty and only an educated people can consider itself as really free and master of its fate. It is only with an educated people that representative and democratic organs of government can exercise their influence for na- tional progress.”
“It is only when man becomes master of his fate – able to determine his destiny – that he can be free from fears and inferiority. Such an individual or a nation stands respected by all.”
“Education develops the intellect; and the intellect distinguishes man from other creatures. It is education that enables man to harness nature and utilize her resources for the well-being and improvement of his life. The key for the betterment and completeness of modern living is education.”
“The spectre of racial discrimination which has for so long cast its dark and evil shadow over much of this globe is slowly disappearing. Men are coming increasingly to be judged by their talents and abilities rather than by the less meaningful and far more superficial standards of
race and religion.
But there yet remain those who, in their bigotry and ignorance, resist this flooding tide, and it is against these that our efforts must be directed.”
“Since the beginning of the world, God has always granted a people, divided though they may be into provinces, districts, villages and families, the privilege of living together as one nation, in freedom. However, because of human jealousy, and man’s domineering spirit and because of the greed that impels one to rob another of a part or the whole of his homeland, it has become an essential duty of man to keep ready the means of defending his freedom.”
“Leadership does not mean domination. The world is always well supplied with people who wish to rule and dominate others.
The true leader is a different sort; he seeks effective activity which has a truly beneficient purpose. He inspires others to follow in his wake, and holding aloft the torch of wisdom, leads the way for society to realize its genuinely great aspirations.
The art of leadership is in the ability to make people want to work for you, while they are really under no obligation to do so. Leaders are people, who raise the standards by which they judge themselves and by which they are willing to be judged. The goal chosen, the objective selected, the requirements imposed, are not mainly for their followers alone.
They develop with consumate energy and devotion, their own skill and knowledge in order to reach the standard they themselves have set.
This whole-hearted acceptance of the demands imposed by even higher standards is the basis of all human progress. A love of higher quality, we must remember, is essential in a leader.
The true leader is one who realizes by faith that he is an instrument in the hands of God, and dedicates himself to be a guide and inspirer of the nobler sentiments and aspirations of the people.
He who would be a leader must pay the price in self-discipline and moral restraints. This details the correction and improvement of his personal character, the checking of passions and desires and an exemplary control of one’s bodily needs and desires.
To be first in place, one must be first in merit as well.
He who has not learned to render prompt and willing service to others will find it difficult to win and keep the goodwill and cooperation of his subordinates.
A leader will kindle interest, teach, aid, correct and inspire. Those whom he leads will cooperate with him in maintaining discipline for the good of the group. He will instruct his followers in the goals towards which to strive, and create in them a sense of mutual effort for attaining the goal.”
“It is both the duty and responsibility of the world’s fortunate few to help fulfil the legitimate aspirations of the unfortunate many.”
“There is always something moving, brewing. There are ambitious people everywhere. Wicked people. The only thing to do is to deal with them with courage and decision. One must beware of uncertainty, weakness or conflicting emotions – they lead to defeat”
“The glories and advantages of freedom cannot be purchased with all the world’s material wealth. Freedom’s price is the sacrifice of the lives of innumerable heroes and in deep realization of this, it becomes the duty of free men everywhere to be ever prepared for the defence of their freedom.”
ETHIOPIA’S HERITAGE based on past and present
“Ethiopia is an ancient land and her civilization is the result of the harmonious alchemy of the past and the present and upon which we confidently build for the future. This heritage is the bed-rock of modern Ethiopia. In it the people have chosen to distil from the past that which is useful and enduring, to adapt those worth-while attributes of our present-day world and to fashion this modern Ethiopianism – the foundation of our social order that has served so admirably the purpose of the nation’s steady advance.”
POWER WITHOUT FAITH EQUALS BRUTALITY “Where there is no faith in a civilization but only power, that civilization is surrounded with doubt and fear and its power expresses itself in brutality”
“The fruits of the farmer’s labour must be enjoyed by him whose toil has produced the crop… Without agricultural expansion, industrial growth is impossible.”
“From truth alone is born liberty and only an educated people can consider itself as really free and master of its fate. It is only with an educated people that representative and democratic organs of government can exercise their influence for national progress.”
“As we do not practice or permit
discrimination within our nation, so we
oppose it wherever it is found.”
“As we extend the hand of universal brotherhood to all, without regard to race or color, so we condemn any social or political order which distinguishes among God’s children on this most specious of grounds.”
“Above all, Ethiopia is dedicated to the principle
of the equality of all men, irrespective of
differences of race, color or creed.”
“No greater victory can be won by the nations of today than the conquest of the apocalyptic enemies that still ride mankind poverty, disease and ignorance.”
“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”
“Through her location on the shores of the Red Sea and in the horn of East Africa, Ethiopia has profound historical ties with the rest of the Middle East as well as with Africa. In this respect she stands in a completely unique position. Her culture and social structure were founded in the mingling of her original culture and civilization with the Hamitic and Semitic migrations into Africa from the Arabian peninsula, and, in fact, today, our language, Amharic, is a member of that large family of Hamitic and Semitic tongues and. therefore, intimately related to Hebrew and Arabic.”
“Through her location on the shores of the Red Sea and in the horn of East Africa, Ethiopia has profound historical ties with the rest of the Middle East as well as with Africa. In this respect she stands in a completely unique position. Her culture and social structure were founded in the mingling of her original culture and civilization with the Hamitic and Semitic migrations into Africa from the Arabian peninsula, and, in fact, today, our language, Amharic, is a member of that large family of Hamitic and Semitic tongues and. therefore, intimately related to Hebrew and Arabic.”
“They predict dissention and disintegration among Africans and internecine strife and chaos on our continent. Let us confound these and, by our deeds, disperse them in confusion.”
“Loyalty inspires understanding, and understanding cooperation; these are the clearest evidence of strength. But the solid basis for all lies in education. It is education which allows people to live together, and makes them avoid the pitfalls of immorality, and induces respect for the law. Truly the attainment of these high aims is based on education, the helping of people to live together, to avoid indulgence, immorality and lawlessness”
“This is not a counsel of despair. Our own life has demonstrated that We are incapable of despair. Men will die in defense of principle; men will sacrifice their all rather than compromise themselves and renounce that which distinguishes them from the beasts – their moral faculty. If this force in men can but be awakened and focused on the problems of each day, we shall, God willing, survive each day to the dawn of each tomorrow, and in this survival guarantee to our children and our children’s children a life- time of peace and security, under justice and right, and under God.
Sept. 3, 1961
“Loyalty inspires understanding, and understanding co-operation; these are the clearest evidence of strength. But the solid basis for all lies in education. It is education which allows people to live together, and makes them avoid the pitfalls of immorality, and induces respect for the law. Truly the attainment of these high aims is based on education, the helping of people to live together, to avoid indulgence, immorality and lawlessness.”
“We know that as long as there are men who believe that one race is superior to the other and
that they can lead the destinies of other men by any means, there shall be no peace.”
ENTREPRENEURSHIP, LABOR, EMPLOYEE/EMPLOYER RELATIONSHIP “A nation’s goals in any field of endeavour require, for their achievement, the combined efforts of all parts of its society, and, not least, of the entrepreneurial and labouring classes. The employer-employee relationship, in turn, must be based on sound and fair labour conditions.”
“All well ordered and modern states can only base themselves upon Courts of Justice and Conduct of Laws which are just, correct and geared towards the protection of the rights of individuals. Justice is a product of education.”
“Ethiopia is not boastful, but her history testifies to the courage and bravery of which she disposes in defending her territory and her independence. She has been preserved with the help of the Almighty, Who is ever at her side.”
CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TO AMERICA FROM LONDON “I am very pleased to send you words of my best wishes for your happiness, progress and peace, on this blessed day for mankind, from the capital of Great Britain, which is renowned for its hospitality. Let peace reign in your hearts, among your families, in the unity of your governments, and in your relations with other peoples of the world. There is no greater day of gratitude and joy for Christians than celebrating the birthday of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. On this day of happiness, every Christian, by meditating on [Jesus’] life and the work He accomplished for all of us, tends to forget the trials he faces and the sadness that breaks his heart. At the same time everyone is inclined to minimize the trials and sorrows of his own, his kindred, and friends and forgives those who have grieved him. Since Our childhood, Our innermost thoughts have been overwhelmed by the mysterious deep spirit of the divine infant’s birth, which is not only expressive but also glorious and inscrutable. Likewise, no matter what one’s reputation, whether one’s accomplishment is great or humble, tiresome or fruitless, in the journey of life, the mystery of Bethlehem dominates our spirit.
With the birth of the Son of God, an unprecedented, an unrepeatable, and a long-anticipated phenomenon occurred. He was born in a stable instead of a palace, in a manger instead of a crib. The hearts of the Wise men were struck by fear and wonder due to His Majestic Humbleness. The kings prostrated themselves before Him and worshipped Him. ‘Peace be to those who have good will. This became the first message.
When He sacrificed himself at Golgotha for the atonement of our sin, He prayed with His last breath for the forgiveness of those who had tortured Him saying, ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do’. Shame on those of us who are Christians and do not follow the way of the Savior of the World, whose life was filled with kindness, humility, and martyrdom! If we lived by the laws he gave us and were worthy of being called Christian, peace would have reigned on this earth.
Men were supposed to be the equals of the living angels who unceasingly sang praises before the eternal God. Had this been so, peoples of the world would not have been divided along lines of enmity.
In truth there is no legitimate reason or good cause which justifies war. Was it not this fundamental spirit which dwelt in American statesmen and their brothers in other parts of the world that enabled them to write the new international principles according to the laws of Our Savior. The principles were intended to avoid the calamities of war and to bring together the big and small nations of the world as one family and settle disputes that might arise between them through appropriate law and justice.
Well, there is not much to do about that! Although the toils of wise people may earn them respect, it is a fact of life that the spirit of the wicked continues to cast its shadow on this world. The arrogant are seen visibly leading their people into crime and destruction. The laws of the League of Nations are constantly violated and wars and acts of aggression repeatedly take place, and in regard to this, your honorable president told you recently that the principles of [the Covenent of the League of Nations], which were meant to assure the peace and safety of all peoples, were trampled on, and the forum of peace was consequently disrupted. The respectable idea on which
[the league]
was founded was made an object of mockery. The two-thousand-year-old Christian Civilization was threatened with destruction. If this happens, there will be a return to the days of barbarism, when the mighty could realize their aspirations at will. So that the spirit of the cursed will not gain predominance over the human race whom Christ redeemed with his blood, all peace loving people should cooperate to stand firm in order to preserve and promote lawfulness and peace.
War is not the only means to stop war. Men of goodwill, who fully recognize their duties, should be able, with the assistance of all free men, to prevent war and help rehabilitate all those who were debilitated and damaged by war, in order to protect this precious diamond, ‘Peace’.
People of America! I wish you a Merry Christmas. I plead with you to remember in your prayers all those weak and endangered peoples who look to the flags of the free nations with confidence, hoping to discern the star which will announce their peace and future security.”
“International peace and security are primary requisites for the economic development and social progress of the world today; however, the converse is no less true – that the economic well-being of peoples advances the cause of international peace, and the key to economic prosperity lies in the free flow and exchange of commerce and capital among nations. In the unhampered flow of capital between countries lies the solution to the problems generated by the widening gap between the economically advanced and the developing nations of today.”
“As the love that existed between H.H. my father and myself was altogether special, I can feel it up to the present. He always used to praise me for the work which I was doing and for my being obedient. His officers and his men used to love me respectfully because they observed with admiration the affection which my father had for me.”